Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Oops I did it again.

When Lauren was a baby I made the mistake of letting her sleep in our room. It started with the bassinet.  When she out grew that I actually thought it was a good idea to mover her baby bed in our room.  I don't know what I was thinking, actually I do know.  I thought she was going to stop breathing or something.  Whatever the reason....I did it.  By the time she was a year old she'd made herself quite comfortable sleeping between myself and the husband.  I don't know if it was working mother guilt or what but I felt that I had at least spent time with her (even if we were asleep) if she laid next to me. continued.  Eventually we started running out of room.  She fell in love with this sweet little toddler bed we saw in Pottery Barn and I was suckered in.....$500 later (ok, that was including bedding....stupid I know).  She slept in that bed for the grand total of 3 hours.  Back to the drawing board.  We went out and bought her a "big girl bed".  That lasted, NOT.  For the next few years (I know this is really, really bad) Nick enjoyed his pretty little girls room.  Now from time to time we tried putting her in her room.  I'm not saying I gave it 100%....obviously not.  Then BOOM...along came Ava and I swore that I would never, ever, ever, ever start that bad habit again.  I was successful.  The child learned to lay down in her own bed and fall asleep.  We moved her to a toddler bed....she stayed in it.   We moved her to the big girl bed.....fantastic!  Of all the things this little lady gives me trouble on sleeping in her own bed has never been one.  That is until now.  Last week when she was sick I got really, really worried about her.  I don't know what I was thinking.  I guess I wanted to make sure she was breathing ok.  The doctor freaked me out.  Now that things have returned to normal returning to her bed isn't going so well.  Last night she got a free pass and ended up sleeping with me again.  Who's fault is this?  I'm pretty sure it's mine.  She's so cute, and little, and she loves me, and she misses me, and everyday that goes by she's a whole day older and pretty soon my baby isn't going to be a baby anymore.'s me.  It's me.  Now what?  Now I've created a little monster that doesn't want to sleep in her bed anymore.  OY.  I'm just going to pretend that I'm going to put her in her own bed tonight and she'll stay there and this will be one happy household.  Cross your fingers people. 

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